Sunday, 16 November 2014

Half a thousand!

This day was only about working. I spent like all of my time only for doing psychology and sociology stuff. Next Thursday we will have a nice psychology test about everything we did until now.
But one other exciting thing happened today, I reached half a thousand blog-pageviews! That is more than 4999!!!
Unfortunately you can't take an interesting picture of learning so I just post this :D

Londontrip #9

This Saturday I escaped the rain at home. I went to London to visit another EF student and the weather there was just brilliant!
So this day I bought some winter-shoes. We went to Camden market to find one good shoe shop my friend already knew. And it didn't take so much time! We also went to a Victorinox shop and on the way there it began to snow! In the middle of the street... It didn't take much time to see that the snow was actually soap or something :P But we had fun with it anyways...

Ah and that's my rabbit with a bowtie by the way... Just don't even ask...
Bowties ARE cool!
And rabbits with bowties are just magnificent!