Saturday, 14 April 2018

Funky. Ligerz. LightPainting.

Henry Purcell's piece "The Fairy Queen" is our new choir piece for the choir concert in May, and last week was choir week in Ligerz. We spent five days practising many hours a day, but also enjoying our time at this beautiful spot at Lake Biel.

Fun fact: Biel is at the border where the French and the German language "collide" in Switzerland. That's why everything is Semi-German and Semi-French, even the name of the city Biel/Bienne!

With a lovely view of the mountains and lake, Ligerz is truly a spot one should visit someday!

The only disturbing thing is the train line at the lake where a lot of intercity-trains passes. But after a while you get used to it.

In our free time, we jammed on the pianos, played some card games or werewolves or just sat and chilled, read some books and had a good time. But the last night my friend Laura and I took some light painting shots and long time exposures of the lake. Some turned out very special!

Just for those wondering: This was a 20s exposure and I moved my feet after 10 seconds. That's why they are transparent ;)

This was actually a long time exposure in complete darkness! One can even spot the stars on closer inspection.