Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Busy day

Well actually I woke up around nine, so not too late. But then it was time to complete my exam preparation for the Cambridge english exam. After that I was watering the plants outside on our terrace. Now you think that we probably not have that many plants in our pots, but it's quite a lot. We have an apricot tree, apple tree, pear tree, strawberries, nectarines, etc... And a tree, herbs and a variety of flowers. Don't forget the cherry tomatoes! And they all need watering if there is not that much rain.
In the evening I made dinner for me and my parents. I prepared some fish with cream spinach and "spätzli". Its a Swiss/Austrian/German dish that looks like this. Nice as rice :)
I also called my friend Timo which whom I am going to meet this Saturday and after that John from the UK. A bit of catching up needed to be done here...