Saturday, 3 October 2015

Finally a new song on SoundCloud and going to the Theatre!

First week of my autumn holiday and I did lots of things!
Yesterday and on Thursday I met with two friends of mine to make music and work on a song! And now it's on SoundCloud so take a "look / listen" there -> Unfinished - By LEugster, JRehmann, MKloter :)

Me and my parents also went to theatre in our village and it was just brilliant! It was two women; one of them was a piano player and the other was a guitar player. First the piano player came onto the stage and later on the guitarist. In the beginning the guitar playing woman was really bossy and did not listen or look what the other told her which was really fun. She just played her pieces and the other one had to improvise with some funny rhythmical instruments. But then a string in the piano broke and she tried to fix it (while the guitarist was still playing on her own) and the piano broke apart! Finally the guitarist realised that she was there too and they started making music, well now without the piano, but together! Such a relief! I really enjoyed it, it was just so fun and a good laugh!