I am very concerned what is going to happen next, because you cannot stop the migration that is happening at the moment; So I am sure that if the immigrants will start to take down the border patrols and will no longer move forward peacefully it is going to be the end of our nice countries and the peace in which we live here.
Please share this post if you agree with me and feel free to comment below..
Now I will stop talking about this because you also need to see the nice things in life. So this week autumn really started, the rain, but also the leaves falling off the trees. On our open terrace we have a Japanese oak tree whose leaves turn nice red in autumn so I decided to take some pictures of them and they turned out very nice I think :)
Also yesterday I went with two of my friends who play the trumpet to their lesson and then the teacher asked me if I would like to play with them on the piano. I find this very nice because I love making music with other people :D
Have a nice week and see you next Saturday