Monday, 6 April 2015

It is even going to be warm!

This day a lot was done: I had to pack all my things and get ready for tomorrow. That always takes a lot of time. And then my hostmum told me that I should make my room look nice because next week an estate agent will come and take pictures because they would like to sell this nice house :)
But I won't go to bed too late because I can't sleep until midday tomorrow :P
It is going to be such an interesting week and even quite warm, warmer than down here in the south, amazing! See you tomorrow ;)

Changing people and HAPPY EASTER!!!!

This day I was just preparing myself for an amazing next week! It is going to be so cool since I am going on a trip to Scotland :D You're excited too? There are going to be some interesting posts for SURE! But another really cool thing (besides doing homework) was that I could call my two best friends in Switzerland :)
Do you remember the day last week when I made the fish for dinner? Well there was also cream-spinach with it; a dish that I really like too.. So my hostmum told me that she never liked spinach in her whole life and now she does, because of me!!! That is so cool, I actually changed her taste on something.. So for todays supper guess what she made: cream-spinach! I am so happy now :)

And don't forget: HAPPY EASTER!!!