Saturday, 31 October 2015

Making your own battery!

Every Thursday I have three hours of Experimental Natural Sciences. I love this subject, because you really do learn so many things that are actually in our everyday lives.
So this Thursday we built an actual battery. I never really knew what was happening inside these tiny things but now I do!
First we've built batteries in pairs but they did not produce that much power and were just able to power a tiny light. But later on we combined all the batteries of the different groups and we were able to make one of these silly birthday cards that make sounds to play some music for us :D

Otherwise not that much happened this week. We have a lot of schoolwork to do at the moment and there are tests all the time. I am also practising with three of my friends who play brass instruments for maybe a little concert some time :)

Saturday, 24 October 2015

Choosing an advanced level subject: the swiss scholarly system

A few days ago I had an interesting discussion about different scholarly systems in various countries and how they are all different. So I thought: why not post about this and show you some pictures of the school I am going to at the moment.
So the school level I am on at the moment is the gymnasium which is called "Kantonsschule. It is the level before you start studying at uni and it is four years long. Now I'm in my second year there. Before that there's middle school (which is three years) and it's split up in three different levels. The highest is Bezirksschule, the second highest Sekundarschule and the lowest Realschule. If you want to get into the gymnasium you need to finish the highest of these first. And of course before these levels we have primary school which is six years long.
The school I am at now is really cool. There is a huge variety of courses you can take, drama class, lots of languages from French to Chinese and of course music classes like BigBand, a Jazz-Workshop, Instrument lessons, Choir and even more!
The school even has its own park with some ponds and a garden which is amazing. This is because a long time ago it was a monastery (but now it hasn't got anything to do with church anymore). The food is also really nice and you can sit and study in the nice rooms the school offers like the library.
You see: I love going to school there!

Last Saturday a good friend of mine asked me if I would like to help selling tickets for a concert. Of course I would! It was really fun, we got free drinks, had a lot of time to talk and heard two free concerts! It was so cool!!
On Thursday I also went to the Fantoche Best Of where they showed the films that won the competitions at the film festival in Baden. You should check out this one, it was really fun Johnny Express.

Saturday, 17 October 2015

Something that concerns me a lot...

I won't start this article with the happy thoughts and things that happened to me this week. There was something that happened on Thursday that really made me thing and concerned me a lot. I am sure you've read it on the news that an immigrant trying to enter Bulgaria was shot by the border police. The moment I heard this I thought "What on earth did humanity become?" I think this is the most awful thing you can possibly do. Some guy is trying to escape from a huge problem like war and what do you do instead of helping him: you shoot him down. I think that the view which a lot of people have on immigrants is shameful (not wanting to help and to get as less as possible in your region). Respecting your fellow human beings is what they teach you in many religions and from the moment you start kindergarten and at this point we really need to rethink what we became when the people who need help get shot down.
I am very concerned what is going to happen next, because you cannot stop the migration that is happening at the moment; So I am sure that if the immigrants will start to take down the border patrols and will no longer move forward peacefully it is going to be the end of our nice countries and the peace in which we live here.
Please share this post if you agree with me and feel free to comment below..

Now I will stop talking about this because you also need to see the nice things in life. So this week autumn really started, the rain, but also the leaves falling off the trees. On our open terrace we have a Japanese oak tree whose leaves turn nice red in autumn so I decided to take some pictures of them and they turned out very nice I think :)
Also yesterday I went with two of my friends who play the trumpet to their lesson and then the teacher asked me if I would like to play with them on the piano. I find this very nice because I love making music with other people :D

Have a nice week and see you next Saturday

Sunday, 11 October 2015

A little autumn trip to Italy

On the special occasion of my autumn holidays ending we went with some friends to Bassano del Grappa for the past three days. There we met with the grandparents of our friends and of course ate way too much for what we are used to (what do you expect: Italy) but the food was lovely too! And of course we brought the brilliant weather from Switzerland with us down there :P
We visited the castle where they've married, the old town with the grappa-destilleries as well as a beautiful villa a few kilometres away (where we weren't allowed to take pictures but I took some for you anyways ;)

Saturday, 3 October 2015

Finally a new song on SoundCloud and going to the Theatre!

First week of my autumn holiday and I did lots of things!
Yesterday and on Thursday I met with two friends of mine to make music and work on a song! And now it's on SoundCloud so take a "look / listen" there -> Unfinished - By LEugster, JRehmann, MKloter :)

Me and my parents also went to theatre in our village and it was just brilliant! It was two women; one of them was a piano player and the other was a guitar player. First the piano player came onto the stage and later on the guitarist. In the beginning the guitar playing woman was really bossy and did not listen or look what the other told her which was really fun. She just played her pieces and the other one had to improvise with some funny rhythmical instruments. But then a string in the piano broke and she tried to fix it (while the guitarist was still playing on her own) and the piano broke apart! Finally the guitarist realised that she was there too and they started making music, well now without the piano, but together! Such a relief! I really enjoyed it, it was just so fun and a good laugh!