Saturday, 24 December 2016

Huge Christmas Celebration - Blind Cow

This week was totally amazing! Next to some last exams before the holidays me and six friends from the focussubject music went to a really cool restaurant together! It's called "BlindeKuh" which is translated to blind cow. One cool thing about this restaurant is that you are served by blind people and blind people cook the food you eat. But the amazing part is that you yourself are in an extremely dark environment. You literally don't see a thing for the whole time you eat dinner!
It's cool because your other senses, for instance tasting and hearing, are extra observant and the food tastes a lot more intense than usual. A really fun and tasty way to experience how it would be if you were not able to see, I can totally recommend it!

Every year there is a huge Christmas celebration at our school. Since it once was a monastery (quite some years in the past) there is still a very big church on the school-grounds. There we sang with the big choir, some small choirs including the teachers choir. Of course the school orchestra played as well. All together it was a lot if fun! You can see some video footage Here.
In addition to singing in the choir I also ran around with my camera all the time. Nearly every time you heard the wood creaked it was probably me on the entablature ^^
But I got some cool shots:

The Teachers-Choir

I also had another concert this week with the SiSoKo. It's the singers-songwiters concert at our school where I accompany some singers on the piano. It wasn't so much fun this time because I was really ill on Thursday and my nose was running all the time..

With my parents I went once again to a very cool winter market in Zürich. It's called Heiliger BimBam and it's very alternative and hipster. I like!
We had a lot of fun and I even met some vendors from last years market!

Sunday, 18 December 2016

New Store Decoration - Christmas Market - Frosty Cold Pictures

For every season my parents decorate the vitrine of my dad's store. Now there's a really cool winter theme with miniature figures on a tree out of branches with wonderful lights! It looks amazing, that's why I took a cool picture of it :D

(By the way, the lights flying away was made by taking a long-exposure and zooming out ;)

On Friday I went to a really nice market in the old town of Baden with my parents. The cool thing about it was that many ateliers and shops had their doors open and you could take a look around and talk to the owners.
On the street we met two teachers of my school and they told us that there's a really nice meet-up where immigrants cook, with a self made carousel, a warm fire and nice music; of course we wanted to go there! The food was really nice!
Later that evening I went to see the new Star Wars Rouge One which is a great movie and I really recommend it to you ;)

It also got very cold in the last days and every day there's a lot of frost on the plants, but unfortunately no snow yet.. But I took some pictures of the frost (:

Saturday, 10 December 2016

Late-Night-Lightpainting in school

On Thursday me and my friend went late at night to our school. One reason was to see four friends play a concert at an event (where we got free dessert afterwards!). Unfortunately they did not play as much as planned because another music group took so much time to perform their stuff.

Afterwards me and Olivia went to the huge curtilage of our school to take some pictures with the light-painting technique. It's a photography technique where you have a very long shutter speed and one light source which you then move to create lines! It was really cool to make and so much fun :D

Saturday, 3 December 2016

Funky concert, lovely Christmas market and an awesome theatre!

A week ago me and my friends from Funky Donkey performed at our school for a charity project. I helped all afternoon to prepare everything for the band, carry the drumset and base amp over to the cafeteria and in the evening everything was set and we were ready to go! First the group that organised the whole event had a little presentation about their project. They donated the collected money to the Philippines and made a charity concert!
Before we preformed there was also a Klezmer group, some dancers and a singer preforming. We also played with a Latin music workshop from our school which was great!
But take a look ;)

Winter has arrived and it got very cold outside. Which means I'd prefer to stay indoors in the warmth, but with some exceptions. Mainly if there is an event happening in our region. So today there was a winter market where all products were produced by physically or mentally disabled people and all the profit went to the organisations that help them. It's a very unique market where there are many different stands with various cool things they sell!

Yesterday evening I also went to a very cool theatre called Mummenschanz in Zürich with my parents and my cousin and his girlfriend.
It is such an unique concept of theatre and you should totally look it up or click on this Link! We've enjoyed it a lot :)

Here are also some more pictures from the concert: